High School Soccer - Outdoor Summer Leagues
High School 9v9 Summer League
July 10th to August 8th
Divisions: 2004/5 & 2006/07
- Games Times: Saturday Mornings & Sunday Afternoon
- 60 Minute Games - Two 30 minutes halves
- Turf & Grass Fields
- 5 Games Season: Round Robin Play
- Cost per Game: $100
- Registration Fee: $150 • No Registration fee required if team participates in Summer 1 Session
- 9v9
- Max Roster: 15 players
Medals for 1st & 2nd Place
Medals for 1st & 2nd Place
Summer Registration
Registration Information:
- Register online and pay required deposit.
- Click Red Registration Button
- Login to Dash or Create a new account for the Adult (Coach or Team Mgr)
- Once logged in choose adult name
- Choose Season
- Choose Division
- Complete remaining fields and check out with paying the deposit.
- Fill out and each parent must sign the Roster/Waiver form.
- Each coach will carry with them at all games player proof of age. (Birth Certificate, School ID, Passport, or Club Soccer Card issued by the State.