Adult Coed Soccer League – Indoor
2024-2025 Indoor League
Wednesday Evenings
12 Week Season
9 Regular Season Games
3 Playoff Games
Session 2 – February 5 – April 23
*8 or 9pm start time
*No Individual Registration
Registration Information:
- Register online and pay required deposit.
- Click Red Registration Button
- Login to Dash or Create a new account for the Adult (Coach or Team Mgr)
- Once logged in choose adult name
- Choose Season
- Choose Division
- Complete remaining fields and check out with paying the deposit.
- Create your Roster and waiver approval
- The Team Manager will click the “invite” option (from their MAC account)
- Enter player email address and a quick message from you if needed.
- Players need to create or login to their MAC Account and accept our Waiver.
- Players recevie a “join the team” email” from you and follow the link to get rostered on your team.
- Team manager will see the players on the team page their MAC Account.
- If you are registering a previous team you can also delete players from your roster as well within your account.
6 Team Minimum / 10 Team Maximum
Wednesday Evenings
7v7 / 20 min halves
18 person roster
2 females on field at all times
Rosters locked week 4
Matching Uniforms & Jersey #’s required
1st Place – Trophy plus $150.00 Gift Certificate to use at The Mac Cantina
*to purchase food & alcohol) – Good for 1 year
2nd Place – Trophy plus $75.00 Gift Certificate to at The Mac Cantina
*to purchase food & alcohol) – Good for 1 year
Gift Certificates (each session) will be reduced if a team is expelled or drops from the league and does not fulfill signed roster commitment and ruins it for all other teams.
Rules that Teams must follow to play in MAC Leagues
- Registering a team and signing team roster is considered a contract / commitment to comply with all league guidelines/ policies set forth by The Mac – including but not limited to scheduled payments and all games. If a team drops out during the season – That team, coach or team manager is responsible for the remainder balance owed for that season. If the full balance is not paid – any player, coach or team manager will not be allowed to participate in any activity offered at the Mac.
- Some divisions within a league may be played in a different format (Playoff elimination bracket OR a point system bracket).
- By registering a team with the MAC, if the division is a point system division, YOU AGREE to attend and pay for ALL SCHEDULED GAMES for the entire season, regardless of standings. Every game counts for all teams in the division.
- Indoor Men’s, Women’s & Youth soccer leagues play 6v6 or 7v7 format with an 18 player roster, giving any team 11 to 12 extra players. This is more than adequate for a team – to play in the league and or game. If any Coach or Team Manager thinks they will not have enough players – DO NOT JOIN THE LEAGUE. If any team does join the league and drops out – That team will be responsible for the remaining balance due – based on the signed roster and commitment
- All Leagues will play scheduled game days. All League – scheduled game days will remain the same throughout the session unless a bye is necessary (leagues will not be shortened unless it does not meet minimum team requirements) Any unavoidable situation that interrupts that scheduled day will be rescheduled, if possible.
- Registration fee must be paid IN FULL to secure a spot in the league. Registration fee/deposit is not deducted from team fees. Registration fees will not be divided into payments throughout the league or session.
- Game fees must be paid in full prior to the next scheduled game. The coach, team manager and players are responsible for full game payments. The MAC is not responsible for any individual payments for any team. If a Coach/Team Manager chooses to have individual players pay their fee and the balance is not collected – The Coach/Team Manager will need to pay the balance. If the Coach/Team Manager responsible for the team fees cannot collect the $ from the players on time to make the full payment – the Coach/Team Manager will have to pay the Full fee due and collect $ from his or her own players and pay themselves back. Again – The Mac is not responsible for collecting individual payments for any team and all scheduled fees must be paid in full. If game fees are not paid and current – the team will not be allowed to play and will be removed from the league.
- Any replacement or fill-in team that joins a Mac league to replace a team that has been expelled or drops out – will be required to pay a portion of the registration fee, depending on the day/week the team enters the league.
- Any League that has prize $ – will be paid accordingly as stated – on the prize pool # of teams – determination. If a team is expelled from the league or drops out – the prize $ will be adjusted and reduced accordingly. If the league drops below the set # of teams required to be able to award prize $ – The prize $ will be terminated.
- A team NO-SHOW will pay both game fees (their own and the opposing teams) for that set game and paid prior to the next scheduled game or will not be able to participate.
- Players must sign to agree to roster/waiver and have a valid league ID card.
- Roster/Waiver must be updated each session . Any Player added to session 2 must be added to the roster. Any player not playing session 2 must be taken off the roster. Coaches or Team Managers must sign indoor league rules. Coaches / Team Managers are responsible for their players – Children or Adults.
- All players must check-in prior to game
- Coaches/Team Managers must attend coaches meetings or meet w/ Rafa to go over league rules.
- Red Cards – 1st offense $50 – 1 game suspension, 2nd offense $100 – 1 game suspension, 3rd offense $150 – season suspension, will not be able to return until fine is paid. If an individual continues to be a problem – Banned.
- Absolutely No Fighting. Automatic suspension from the Facility including any and all other activities the individual or team may be registered for
- Based on security recommendations. Any team caught registering or playing suspended/banned player will be immediately removed from the league
- Referee makes the call / Video is for Mac use only
$250.00 non-refundable registration fee (required to sign up/ not deducted from game fees)
$125.00 per game
12 week season = $1750.00
How to get your 1st game FREE!
▪️Any team that registers (and pays $250.00 in full) for Session 1 – before October 16th will have first game fee waived. No payment plans.
▪️Any Session 1 team that registers for Session 2 – will have registration fee waived.
▪️Any new team that registers for Session 2 will pay the registration fee in full. If paid before January 29th due date – will have first game fee waived
▪️▪️Important: First game fee waived – ONLY if the $250.00 registration fee is paid in full by the due date. The Mac will not change or alter registration payment incentives ▪️▪️