REC Youth Indoor Soccer Leagues
U8 • U10 • U12 • U14
Winter 2022 – Jan to March
Registration Ends Jan 3, 2022
Saturday & Sunday Games
January 8 - March 27, 2022
Winter Youth Details:
- Divisions
- Recreational: U8 Co-Ed, U10*, U12*, U14*
- Travel teams should register for the Youth COPA League
- Divisions
- 9 game regular season = $990 ($110 per game)
- $110 required deposit is payment for your 1st game.
- Possible 3 playoff games, if you advance are $110/game.
- Possible friendly games, $110/game.
- ALL game fees are due prior to game play.
- If all 12 games are played, total team cost =$1320.
- Club discounts start at 6 teams joining our leagues.
- Teams play 6v6 plus a Goalkeeper
- 18 players allowed on a team roster.
- Game Format: Two- 20 min. halves with a 5 min. halftime.
- Players can only be on 1 team per division in our leagues.
- Trophies for 1st and 2nd / Individual Medals for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
Registration Instructions:
1. Click Red button to register.
2. Find Blue box that says: "If you're a team manager looking to create a new team or export from prior season click here" here.
3. Login with your Parent/team manager account or a new account if you are new to the MAC.
4. Choose Season: "Youth Indoor (Rec) - Winter 2022"
5. Choose League (Age group division).
6. Follow prompts until checkout.
TO CREATE YOUR TEAM ROSTER: The Team Manager will click the "invite" option (from their MAC account) to get their players on the roster and to accept our necessary waiver (The parent of the player will receive your email invite and will follow the instructions to register their child on your team). If you are registering a previous team you can also delete players from your roster as well within your account.
*Each Coach will carry with them at All games player proof of age. (Birth Certificate, School ID, Passport, or Club Soccer Card issued by the State)
- The MAC reserves the right to place teams in any division according to strength/ability in order to keep competition level. Lower level travel teams may appear in recreational divisions and recreational teams can appear in travel divisions for the reasons stated above.